Girls Town (1959)
Dang, there were a lot of these
8 December 2016
Movies from "Mystery Science Theater 3000" made at this time are so amazingly dated. They even talk about how obnoxious the slang is. This film features a woman falsely accused of murder going to a Catholic reform school. I guess I'll give the movie credit for having a concept that I have never seen before. Its main flaw is that it's still too boring! All cheesy 1950's movies are looking the same. The pacing is really bad. It isn't until the last ten minutes that something really important happens.

There are just so many pointless scenes. We have nothing going on with the girls just talking and cleaning the house and everything. I don't know if this is how actual reform schools like this work. Well, it gave a somewhat positive image of religion. I don't think that people pray through Saint Jude to God. Well, maybe that was just how they did it back then. Well, I finally got done writing eight reviews on this website in one day! I am never doing this again. *1/2
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