Why Be Good? (1929)
Odd question, considering just how good this film is
6 December 2016
For some reason, most of the Morrisons had to change their names -- or thought they had to change their names -- to become famous.

Kathleen Morrison got into pictures somewhat accidentally, as someone was doing a favor for one of her important relatives. And it was figured that, in six months or so, she'd be tired of movies and go back home.


In fact, as Colleen Moore, she became one of the most popular stars of filmdom, and when you see her in "Why Be Good?" you will immediately understand why.

Naturally I might seem prejudiced toward my cousin, but even before I learned she had been born a Morrison, I loved and admired her. In the late lamented Silent Movie Theatre, the great John Hampton presented her "Orchids and Ermine" about every year.

She just stole my heart, even with a very, VERY young Mickey Rooney trying to steal the movie. (In a wonderfully whimsical touch, the then-7-year-old was still "Mickey McGuire" and his character was a Texas midget. And even at 7, he was fully capable of stealing a scene or a whole movie.)

In "Why Be Good?" she plays a character with the appropriate name of "Pert Kelly" (making me think of the long-time actress Pert Kelton).

Pert and perky she was, just totally adorable.

And beautiful.

Colleen Moore could express any emotion, and was an actress dedicated to being a good actress, not just a star.

Her autobiography, "Silent Star," is a very good read, and her fame continues, with a website dedicated to her: https://sites.google.com/site/colleenmooresite/

"Why Be Good?" was presented by Turner Classic Movies on 5 December 2016 as part of a tribute to Vitaphone on its 90th birthday. "Good" was originally produced with synchronized sound on a disc, and its restoration is a story in itself.

"Why Be Good?" is now available, according to the above website, as a DVD and I know I want a copy. It's a good movie, but it's a great performance by and a great chance to see Colleen Moore.

There is a preview clip, and other videos, including supposed full movies of Colleen Moore at YouTube.
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