Review of Wire

Zane Grey Theatre: Wire (1958)
Season 2, Episode 17
Oh the farmer and cowman should be friends
6 December 2016
This Zane Grey Theater story is yet another retelling of the eternal western feud between the rancher and the farmer. Refueled in this case by the introduction of barbed wire.

There were no easy answers here. Cattle would roam in their pursuit of grass and would find fodder in the farmer's tenderly nursed crops. Stings from the barbs kept them away, but they got hurt and so did the cowboys who tangled with the wire. Western films took pro and con positions on barbed wire.

This television film takes neither. It stars Lloyd Bridges as the farmer who won't be pushed out and Edward Binns as the rancher doing the pushing. Look for future Virginian James Drury as one of Binns's sons.

Make your own mind up.
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