Sanford and Son: Fred's Treasure Garden (1974)
Season 4, Episode 11
Seventh of nine with Grady Wilson
5 December 2016
"Fred's Treasure Garden" was the first episode produced for the fourth season (held back for broadcast for several weeks), Redd Foxx still holding out for three more episodes before his long awaited return. Grady's vegetable garden include a certain plant that he believes is wild parsley, though Rollo tells Lamont it's marijuana: "I know, I'll burn it" "that's exactly what I had in mind!" They decide to bring in Officers Smitty and Hoppy to turn in the loco weed: "before we turn it in, why don't we do a little turning on?" Unfortunately, Grady removes the 'latin lettuce' to mix in his special salad, after which everyone who partakes indulges in some rather odd behavior, even Aunt Esther.
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