Excellent through and through
3 December 2016
Why this movie is being rated low is beyond me. Reviews on Metacritc state you might get lost watching the movie. That it's only for fans. That it's not a good movie in itself, but the best FF movie. What a load of ****. I'm not a die-hard fan of FF, having played only FF8, and at no point I found myself wondering what I was watching. That is the first point, you can understand perfectly what's going on, provided that your IQ is not too low, as seems to be the case with "professional" reviewers. The animation is simply brilliant, it's so realistic that you find yourself wondering whether it's a movie or an animation, and all the characters are well-writing, so much so that you get attached to them and feel it when they happen to, well, die. The voice acting is great, too, and well-suited. The main characters are great, and the writing and the plot in general are top-notch, complex, not a black-n'-white American world view. At last, the combat is astounding.

This is, in sum, a beautiful, touching movie. Just ignore the "professional" reviewers and people mimicking them, just look at the insanely high rates they give to games and movies. They were probably just paid well enough and biased because it's "movie-game", a seemingly-inferior category of movie.
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