A lot's going on here
30 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
For me, this is an extremely memorable episode because of the unique setup. This episode started off as really confusing to me, but then afterwards it all made sense. What this does is actually show scenes without Coulson, Fitz, and Robbie. We then find out that they've been transported to another dimension and are able to see the other characters in their old one. We get more scenes like this and we are shown the scenes of the original characters not reacting to the three characters present. I think this is the first time I've referred to the character as Robbie and not Ghost Rider. This is because this time there is in fact a distinct difference between the two.

After being trapped in the other dimension, the Ghost Rider spirit decides to abandon Robbie and possess Mac. It's easy to tell something was up with him. Hey, I figured out another character's name! There's a lot of them, okay? The best scene is probably near the end when the Ghost Rider spirit as Mac confronts him and mentions that this is the first time they've actually been separate and talking to each other. I was afraid Robbie wouldn't make it, but he does get back to the original dimension like Fitz and Coulson. We get great tension being built up here. Then again, the next episode implies that Robbie might leave. Maybe Johnny Blaze will take up the mantle instead? I like the last scene which shows the robot mapping out a human brain implying that she may have been affected by the book after all... ****
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