The Flash: Invasion! (2016)
Season 3, Episode 8
Amazing (Crossover wise)
30 November 2016
Amazing episode. It is so exciting to see all of the superheroes/supergirl's team be united this way!I won't say best episode because for me the best episode of this season so far was last week's (episode 7) episode. There is only one thing that I didn't like - it is Cisco's attitude towards Barry. He is taking it way too hard on Barry.I can understand that he is angry but come on Barry suffered a lot too!How does it feel to know that even if you have power you have watch your mom die in front of you. He sacrificed his own happiness in season 1 final episode and did not change the timeline (may be Cisco didn't remember it?) Watching your father die in front you season 2 was too much pain to handle and he did made a mistake but wasn't he punished for it too when he have to beg his worst enemy to kill his mother AGAIN!!!I don't know much about comic books but I watch this show mostly because of Grant Gustin's Barry Allen and one of the attraction of this show is the bond between Barry/Caitlin/Cisco (which seems to be damaged permanently) so it is very hard to see the treatment Cisco is giving Barry right now :(
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