Westworld: Trace Decay (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
"How would you like me to proceed?"
21 November 2016
Westworld has excellent story writing with the whole season in mind. With only three eps to go, this means that things have to get wrapped up. Even in the golden age of TV and with the bliss of a 10-hour story instead of just 45mins, this is bound to happen.

And like the end of a holiday, this feels sad, now you know what's around that mountain and there's less to imagine. But what's the alternative - watching paint dry in endless mystery until cancellation (like Carnivale) or end-of-the-season rush with everything crammed into the last ep (like some of GoT)?

With a lot of revelations done, we're bound to see some "Westworld movie" carnage - and it shows the writers' self-confidence to delay it for so long. But the remaining eps now have enough time for what's so amazing about the series: the story of how to be be truly alive.

Last not least, there's brilliant acting apart from the clever "flagship" choice Anthony Hopkins. While Yul Brynner simply had the job to look robotic, former backbench actors like Thandie Newton excel at making the whole range of emotions credible. Go, Arnold, go!
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