Promise Turns to Blah
19 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This episode started with a bang, but after the aliens, dragging along Doug and Tony, meet a farmer it's turns into lot of whimpering.

Irwin got some of his silver skinned, silver garbed aliens into Time Tunnel. Are they from another dimension? Who knows? They initially claim Tony and Doug are from another dimension. Maybe they're talking about Tony and Doug time traveling. But when the alien says "another dimension", he thinks Tony and Doug teleported from somewhere.

Tony and Doug seem surprised when the alien "reveals" the plan to invade Earth. The aliens call it by a number, so it's a mystery until they show an image. But earlier, the aliens say that are invading a planet, and mention testing Doug and Tony according to the observed norms from Earth. So, they gave it away before the big reveal.

The impending Apache attack on the town seems to be important early in the episode. It hinted at a possible confrontation between the Apache and the aliens, some interweaving of two invasions at the same time. But it turns out the Apache were only a plot element used to create drama - Tony has a time limit in his mission to bring town people to the new alien base, but the town people are preoccupied with the Apache, so they won't follow Tony.

The aliens come to Earth for "protein". The first thing they demand is cattle, grain, and corn. Maybe the grain and corn are to feed the cattle.

The episode ends with other aliens showing up at the Tunnel complex. They make a lot of wind, threatening to do something if the General and the others don't prove the invading aliens left Earth safely. We never find out what happened to those invaders - why didn't they return home?

It's not clear why the aliens don't just ask for some protein. They could take some cattle back home and start herds to feed their people. Something happens between the past and present (Tunnel complex time). The aliens who go to the Tunnel complex mention they no longer need protein from primitive planets. The cattle the invaders took never arrived - their ship was lost. So how the aliens solved their protein problem remains a mystery. Maybe they figured out grain and corn aren't protein.
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