Johnny Midnight: X Equals Murder (1960)
Season 1, Episode 1
Pretty Good
18 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
JOHNNY MIDNIGHT - X Equals Murder - 1960

Edmond O'Brien stars in this 1960 series, "Johnny Midnight". The series ran for 39 episodes during 1960. O'Brien plays an ex-actor who is now a New York based private detective.

Answering his apartment buzzer, O'Brien finds a weeping Viveca Lindfors on the other side of the door. Lindfors tells O'Brien she needs his help to prevent a murder. The victim? Lindfors' husband. Lindfors informs O'Brien that her husband and herself are refugees from East Germany. The East Germans want her husband, a skilled engineer, back, or else dead.

The husband is on a train heading to Quebec City to offer his services to a West German company. Lindfors is sure the East German's are going to kill him before hubby gets to Quebec. O'Brien hops a plane to Montreal in order to get ahead of the train. He meets the train but is too late. The man is dead.

He grabs a flight back to N.Y. to inform the wife. Lindfors takes the news rather too calmly which gets O'Brien to thinking. He checks around and finds out the newly departed had left 3 different insurance policies to Lindfors. Our man Edmond digs a little deeper and up pops a boyfriend. O'Brien now figures Lindfors has played him for a chump. She has used him to set up an alibi for herself while the boyfriend disposed of the husband.

O'Brien sets out to prove his theory which needless to say ends in violence. The boyfriend does not come easy and an exchange of shots followed by fisticuffs and a general curb-stomping is needed. Things are wrapped up and Lindfors and her cohort are handed over to John Law.

O'Brien is very good here and fits the p.i. role like a glove. The rest of the cast includes Richard Coogan, Harry Townes, Alan Calliou, Jean Allison and Tom Palmer.

The director was vet TV helmsman Robert Stevens. The story and screenplay are by Edmond's brother, Liam O'Brien. Liam wrote the Bogart film, Chain Lightning.

The d of p was Oscar nominated Ellsworth Fredericks. Fredericks started out as a cameraman for Warners where he worked on Flamingo Road, Key Largo, The Damned Don't Cry, The Breaking Point. He was d of p on Invasion Of The Body Snatchers, Sayonara, 7 Days in May.
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