It's like the producers found light saber FX effects and thought it would be awesome to make a movie with them with no lore whatsoever.
17 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This review will contain some spoilers, but they won't ruin the movie for you (the movie itself does a good job with that). Even though my opinion is very negative, I don't mean to insult or badmouth it in any way, I just write what I think in a pretty straight forward way.

Writing this review is a hard thing to do without "profanities or spiteful remarks" as the guidelines say. I mean ... fencing? Really? As in rapiers, not light sabers or lore friendly vibroblades. When it comes to the lore, as my review summary already stated: I was disappointed. I'm not the biggest star wars geek in the world, but the screenplay completely disregards rules that Jedi have. For example "don't fall in love", which the Padawan's Master completely ignored (and seemingly embraced) as the princess flirted with his apprentice.

Something really annoying that also broke the immersion for me was the atrocious acting. Okay. I'll cut them some slag, as this is a fan movie, but oh my, I haven't even seen such bad acting in any Sandler movie. The accents aren't that bad either, but come on, they should at least know how to say "Jedi" correctly.

The screenplay was simply bad. Cut away the occasional philosophy that's meant to add depth to the conversations and everything the actors say becomes completely uninteresting. Scenes that should take a second were dragged on for 15-20 seconds to make the movie look longer, effectively just making it more boring.

What really killed the movie for me though was the way it was recorded. Blurry backgrounds in nearly every scene, terrible CGI with cut scenes being completely blurry, ships behaving differently than they would in the original Saga. Scenes where faces, the background or objects were completely black. Oh and the costumes. The costumes were something unexpected. Obviously not in a good way. I have seen pornographic star wars movies with better costumes. Similar and probably even better acting too. I honestly thought that some scenes were cliché intros to porn. (I did "research").


This movie is bad. From the screenplay, to the immersion, over the acting, the CGI effects. Everything was just bad, to the point where it motivated me to write a review, after seeing how many "This movie is AWESOME" reviews there are. I recommend it if you're drunk with friends and want to have a laugh or have troubles falling asleep.
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