Bing Makes the Film Watchable
17 November 2016
Run Swinger Run! (1967)

* 1/2 (out of 4)

Elizabeth Bing plays a troubled young woman who runs away from home only to be raped and get into other issues. She winds up working as a type of call girl but soon she realizes that her boss has some very dark secrets.

RUN SWINGER RUN! is another low-budget sexploitation film from director Barry Mahon. The director made a number of sexplotiation films throughout his career and that's basically what this one is. After all, it was 1967 and Mahon was still shooting his films in B&W but those seeking out cheap nudity will find some entertainment here.

Once again the biggest problem with this film is the fact that Mahon really didn't come up with a very good story. What's here is basically by-the-numbers melodrama that is just an excuse to get to the next nude shot. There's certainly nothing wrong with that since most people were coming for the nudity but at the same time the 72- minutes really drag at spots.

Lead actress Bing does turn in a decent performance and she manages to hold your attention whenever she is on the screen, which is the film's biggest plus.
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