Westworld: Trompe L'Oeil (2016)
Season 1, Episode 7
It is one thing to be clever and another to be wise
14 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hands down the best episode this season, as we get a glimpse of the bigger picture and although that might have provided some answers, I think it raised many more questions. The biggest ones being: Who else is a host? Did Arnold make Ford or vise versa? The company is piloting to take over Westworld and dethrone Robert Ford. As his state of mind is being put into question. Theresa leading the charge, as she is promised to take Ford's place. She put's together a ruse that the hosts are malfunctioning. However Bernard sees right through it and leads her to the cabin where we met Fords parents. Jeffrey Wright and Hopkins transactions were immaculate. I cannot imagine this show without Hopkins he is the gears of this clock, the strings of these puppets.

Maeve(beautifully portrayed by Thandie Newton) insists on seeing Clementine. Who is about to be lobotomized. As she witness this appalling sight. Her fight or flight instincts kick in and she decides she's either going to escape, or die trying.
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