Holding The Love
2 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps the good felling I felt when watching Holding The Man is the intense acting of Ryan Corr. He gives the film such a radiance that not even the dark events of AIDS can destroy. It's because of him I would rate the film so high. Not that the other actors are bad. It's simple because we don't feel bad during the screening; we simply accept the facts with a painful smile. Corr is so good in portraying an immensely lovable person we assume the facts as they are. The AIDS crisis won't destroy love, it simply turn it more intense. As we move back and forward through the film, we go on learning the power of love. The film doesn't tell us what the characters do for a living, but we understand they have very little, as when they show the parting of the belongings of the one who is dying, but that doesn't matter. They are full of life in that environment of death at stake. It isn't properly the story that holds us on, but Tim's character that never leaves a moment of sorrow. I'd highly recommend it, if only for showing that AIDS isn't the worst. The worst is lack of love, and that abounds in the whole movie.
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