Lucifer: Everything's Coming Up Lucifer (2016)
Season 2, Episode 1
Biblically Correct, mostly:)
1 November 2016
As a teen, I had to study the Christian Bible (King James Version) every single night. We went chapter by chapter, as a group, from Genesis to Revelations and then started over. So there isn't much I don't know about what is in there and what isn't, and this series, Lucifer, shows that the writers have done their homework!

They are taking poetic license to flesh it out in this storyline of the devil taking a vacation on Earth, and it's a lot of fun if you aren't superstitious about it! I am sure the title alone is terrifying for some! But for me, well, I have always felt sympathy for the fallen angels because, according to biblical scholars, there is no redemption for them. It just doesn't seem fair. Why are humans eligible for salvation up to their last minute of death--all they have to do is cry out to Jesus for mercy, right? Not so for Lucifer and the fallen ones.

And besides the eternal punishment, why is there no mention at all in the Bible of the heavenly mother? Is God a hermaphrodite?

Anyway, I am really laughing my guts out at this series because this concept of Lucifer in modern times is truly hilarious and very well done! But I'll warn you, there is a whole lot of shaking' going on, so brace yourself for a little guilty pleasure!
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