Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Both Good and Bad
31 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Game of Thrones" is basically about four families involved in battles for the throne of the kingdom of Westros. They are: the Starks, a northern family, honorable and good; the Lannisters, cunning and ruthless (Tyrion being the exception, a good and clever man); the Baratheons, now practically extinct with the end of season five, and the sole survivor of the Targareons, Daenerys.

This last one is the daughter of the one known as the Mad King. He was overthrown by a coalition of the above three families. She is currently building an army to retake the Iron Throne and in addition has three dragons to aid her.

There are various plots and subplots that keep the viewer guessing and often unexpected twists and turns. So far after the five seasons I have seen, this has kept the series interesting.

The acting is very good, and I do not recall one bad performance. Peter Dinklage is especially excellent as Tyrion Lannister, making Tyrion the best character in the series. From season one, he immediately makes the character connect with the audience.

For a TV series, the special effects are well done and the computer generated images are mostly good. Add to that the great scenery, and an atmosphere is created that helps move the story along.

That was the good, now for the bad. There is excessive violence and cruelty. Considering that GOT is emulating a violent period in history, one can accept the violence, but the cruelty no! Children being crucified and burned alive adds nothing to the story. Especially the scene where Stannis Baratheon has his little daughter burned alive while she pleads to him and her mother, this scene was extremely disturbing! It just ruined the fifth season, and what did it really add? It only made me want to abandon the series!

Then, there is the writers' tendency to kill off or maim the heroes. Yes, I know that in real life heroes die and get maimed, but this goes to excess! Also, one does not watch and read fiction for reality. For that, one turns to the news!

With these criticisms considered, I wonder if GOT will end on a dark note, with evil triumphant. If it does, it will surely make the entire series meaningless.

I am rating "Game of Thrones" a seven, if not for the above flaws I would have given it a ten.
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