Slightly problematic but still enjoyable
30 October 2016
Unearthing a set of dolls in his backyard, a teen finds that they have come to life during a party with his sister and her friends being guided by the ghostly spirit of their original owner looking for revenge for how she was treated and must find a way to get away alive.

This one was quite the enjoyable and entertaining killer doll effort. Among the better qualities here is the fact that there's a lot of nice work done here on exploiting a nice overall premise to this one, which lets this one come off as a classic storyline for this kind of effort overall. The initial scene of the dolls getting buried and the accident that strands the girl with them is a great way to begin this kind of effort, and their discovery scene later on gives this the solid build-up needed to give the scenes of them on the rampage the right context to really give this a solid and engaging series of set- pieces. The fact that the dolls are allowed to wander through the house on a raging thunderstorm works incredibly well here not only at developing a solid atmosphere with the party going on letting the dolls to sneak up unknowingly on them for the bedroom encounter on the tied-up boyfriend, their ghostly taunts in his bedroom and the way they sneak into the kitchen to take out the drunken jock makes for a strong series of scenes here letting the dolls get a chance to show themselves off which has the chance to showcase the usual rather strong effects work on the dolls themselves as they're unique creations that are quite well designed. These here manage to hold this one up quite well over the film's few but still detrimental flaws here. The biggest issue here is the fact that there's very little about the dolls' actions or concept of attack that make sense here, being driven by a motivation of revenge that makes no sense why they're targeting the family specifically which is spelled out here. They're not related to the previous owner who initially caused the incident, and that means the possession attempts don't really work here for the most part as there's little about this that would make for a believable course of action. Likewise, that they seem so unafraid of the dolls makes no sense at all as there's very little that shows them being terrified of the situation and it really makes for quite a troubling and somewhat laughable series of attacks. That's certainly not helped along by the fact that the dolls themselves are quite stiff-looking and rather unconvincing in their movements, and really tends to make their scenes somewhat of a disappointment. Otherwise there's not a whole lot wrong here.

Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, drug use and excessive drinking.
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