Another (2014)
Choose Another
27 October 2016
I seen this one under the title Mark Of The Witch because marketers still need to ride the witch wave for sales. The film has a young lady celebrating her 18th birthday which begins to set in motion her true destiny of becoming Satan's sorcerer. Dreams and reality are soon blurred as her transition begins.

The effects were pretty bad but for a low budget I guess they tried. They were doing some kind of Matrix witchery when everything was slowed down and the witches were fighting each other. The acting wasn't bad for this flick The story was screwed up the way they conveyed it, even worse when we watch five minute intervals of slow motion scenes. Someone had a wonderful vision but I just didn't see it.

My other bitch about this witch is it ended after 69 minutes and then 10 minutes of credits. The credits were even done slow motion. Do not bother with this one.
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