Terribly Overrated and Not Scary
25 October 2016
I may be new to the horror movie genre but it's my understanding that horror movies are supposed to be...you know...scary right? They're meant to leave you cowering behind a pillow, behind your sofa, gripping your friends or whoever you're watching it with like a boa constrictor, afraid to turn lights off and reluctant to go to a farm or a castle or in this movie's case reluctant to fall asleep. "Nightmare on Elm Street" is meant to do all that and is applauded as a horror classic...problem was I wasn't scared once! I knew of it from a young age and vowed never to watch it because of the plot and my over active imagination but I sat and watched it with a former girlfriend still worried about the aftermath of watching it (made worse by her saying "you'll p*** yourself with terror"). However not once was I terrified, shocked or left cowering behind her or anything near me, in fact by the time the credits rolled I was sat with a confused scowl on my face wondering how it was considered a classic I'll probably never fully understand why either To me, this movie is one of those that is over-hyped to the point that when you eventually watch it, you're left puzzled and somewhat underwhelmed by it, others may well enjoy it and have memories of it but I did not enjoy it at all
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