Not even a movie
24 October 2016
This "movie" is really just Michael Moore attempting stand up while excusing Hillary (ie "hillary lied because we cant be trusted" and "Hillary's health care failure was because people were mean to her"). His complete unawareness of the bigotry which riddles through his every view and principle is astounding, and his argument against Trump is simply that, while he thinks Trump is probably the best choice, he is convinced that Trump will bomb Mexico and make his kids run the country.

EVERY voter should watch this "movie". The entire thing looks like it was shot with a hand held camcorder and written, produced, and shot in an evening, but it's a realistic view into how a Hillary supporter's mind actually works. I have no doubt that Moore believes what he says, thinks he is consistent, and imagines that this "movie" presents a coherent, rational argument. In fact, it is simply a humorless rant relying on ad homonyms, straw-man arguments, racist propaganda, sexist propaganda, deliberate misinformation and the expected ending line of "vote for Hillary because she's a woman".
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