Once Upon a Time: Skin Deep (2012)
Season 1, Episode 12
Best Season 1 Ep So Far
20 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I just started "binging" Season 1, and I have to say this is the best episode yet. It's touching and shows us yet another side of Mr. Gold / Rumpelstiltskin / The Beast. (Robert Carlyle is an amazing actor by the way!) I don't think any of us saw the Belle story coming - at least not with him as the Beast! The show thus far has teased us by not quite revealing how much Gold knows about the curse. So the jail scene is super satisfying when we finally discover where he and Regina stand. Now it leaves us wondering who really holds the power in Storybrooke. Personally, I think the final scene where Regina "visits" Belle was pretty shocking. Keeping someone in solitary confinement for that long is a new level of cruelty. It was bad enough when she killed her own father, but at least she felt a little bad about it. She gloats over her possession of Belle and how it may ultimately ensure she has the upper hand with Gold.
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