Review of Hotel Rwanda

Hotel Rwanda (2004)
Great Film
16 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Hotel Rwanda is by far my favorite movie out of all of the ones we have seen. Being the third time I have seen the movie, I was able to pick up things that I did not understand my first or second time around. This movie is American made so we get the happy ending that we do not usually get in this class. The film uses great camera angles. For example I remember seeing a pan of all the dead bodies. Horrible sight to see but very well filmed. I understand that the UN has the job of keeping peace but they should have done more earlier in the film to help the Tutsi. The UN is a lot more helpful towards the end of the film rather than the beginning of it. It is very mind blowing how the Hutus just wanted to wipe out all of the Tutsi just because they were different than them. Tsotsi are smaller, lighter colored and also referred to as cockroaches. I believe that the world should be ashamed of what happened in Rwanda. None of the superpowers helped at all. It makes no sense that America did not intervene because we stick our heads in literally everything. Not many people really even know about this genocide in America and I feel like it has to do with the fact that we did not help them. If we would have helped them everyone to this day would know but because we did not we keep it secretive.
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