Make that 7.5.
16 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with everything the previous reviewer has written, but I really enjoyed the movie despite its faults. After all, Gracie is Gracie, and Monty Banks is her hero. And it's nothing if not lavishly produced. Admittedly, the story is slight and the humor no more than mildly amusing. But the cast is nothing if not enthusiastic, and although it is in no way imaginative, Monty Banks' direction is efficient. And there are some cute little showgirls hovering around, although very much in the background, alas. They were obviously wished on Monty by the producer and he didn't want to make a fuss of them. However, there is a very amusing sequence in which Gracie is conned into doing an Apache dance.

The sets and costumes, particularly in the climactic production number, are appealing. The flurry and movement and some of the excitement backstage is expertly captured, and the business with the policeman provides a pleasant climax. Miss Fields is in fine voice too and sings a fair number of songs, but - and this is really the only thing wrong with the movie - said songs are an undistinguished and quite unmemorable lot!
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