Review of Shadowzone

Shadowzone (1990)
more like boring-zone...
15 October 2016
This movie is so slow it could put a hyperactive gerbil on speed into a coma. It starts slowly, slow burns through the middle, and ends on a decidedly low key note. You could call it 'atmospheric', but I'd probably go for 'snoozefest..'. It's not terribly made, and it's not an embarrassing clunker that anyone involved should be ashamed of, but it just fails to excite or entertain on any level. If you're looking for some so-bad-it's-good oldskool sci-fi cheese then look elsewhere.

OK I need 10 lines of text. How about that clumsy tag line, then:

"In Alien no one could hear you scream. In the Shadowzone that's all you can hear"

a more accurate tag line would be: "In the Shadowzone nothing much really happens, and then it just randomly ends"
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