Best Film of the Year so far.
15 October 2016
This film connected with me on so many levels. It delivered in ways I was not expecting. I was laughing, cheering, crying, and ultimately walked out of that theater feeling more than satisfied. I want to go see it again. Something that is great about this film is that there are things you will pick up on more clearly through a second viewing, but it is not required to fully enjoy the film. Like I said in my title, I can say without a shadow of doubt that this film is better than any other film released this year. However, I will follow that by saying I have yet to see "Hell or High Water". So it's more like 99.9% sure. We will see how it holds up against the remaining anticipated releases. I do honestly believe it should be nominated come award season. This film is phenomenal and if you do not see this film before you die, you are doing yourself a disservice.
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