Secrets of the CIA (1998 TV Movie)
Excerpts and summations of the documentary
14 October 2016
24:57 "Secrets of the CIA" "I think the first time that I seriously questioned anything that was more than…I just couldn't take it anymore. Was when I came across this document, it was 'eyes only,' and it was to my boss. But he had only had one hand and a hook in the other hand so I always open his mail and packages and so forth. And this one, he wasn't in the office, I opened and I read it. It said 'eyes only' I wanted to read, because I wasn't supposed to probably. And it was a report about a mission where they had blown up a bridge in Asia somewhere. And they had killed a number of women and children who were on their way to market that morning. It was reported as though they were really proud…mission accomplished. That one bothered me a lot. When my boss came in, I gave him this mail and mentioned this and I said, 'This is wrong. These women hadn't done anything, these children didn't deserve to die. Why did we do that?' And he said, 'that's the fortunes of war.' And I said, 'but we're not at war. We're certainly not at war in that country. Why did we do that? I don't understand it.' And he said, 'well, you're very young when you get older you'll understand those things.'" Mary Embree, CIA Headquarters Washington DC She then goes on to say that it was living a fantasy and being on the inside, after that there was no job that I would ever have that would be as exiting. Earlier in the program she said If I say anything against them I turn around and wonder if I'm being followed. "I was so disillusioned about my country. Because I believed it was like my country right or wrong, but my country was wrong so much of the time." *** Ecuador. All these operations police military intelligence, falsifying documents running a surveillance team Following people in the streets, radio communications with vans intoxicating 26 27 had sense of power. And our job was to quench or impede the Cuban Revolution Very few families controlled the land and wealth. When I was working in Uruguay. The trade unions and students. Lighting demonstrations making us look bad. A document attributing all the violence to the revolution. It was false, but very convincing. Heard most sadistic police officer torture the man he had framed. Most horrible sound. The initial thrill, being on the inside having this secret power began to fade. Phil Agee I considered myself a good spy. I was given the name of a student or professor or teaching assistant and I would develop a relationship with this person and try to get them to say to me statements concerting US involvement in Vietnam and South East Asia. I was to infiltrate student groups to get copies of propaganda, meeting times, protests posters, this kind of thing. You're friendly spy on campus. The excitement initially came when I was offered the job and I was told that I was very special. And that played to my patriotism, my ego, my manhood, the whole thing. "I became the eyes and ears for the CIA of Iowa State University Campus. I initiated files on students of interest. Initiated a file of a woman who refused to date him. Verne Lyon Also know as the "Dirty Tricks Department." Found out Thai communist party much more larger, active than reported. Program shut down, because if acknowledge existed of thousands of organized villagers, would show that in Vietnam it was in the millions, which would show we should shut down the war because we couldn't win. I think the worst thing I was involved in was the Phoenix Operation, an assassination program. Found out I was shooting fish in a barrel, most supported Communist and fighting foreign domination. Thought he was saving democracy and saw photos of bombed napalmed children. For him caused enormous trauma and for months contemplated suicide. He finally got over that effort and what he should do with knowledge is bring to the US people so there won't be further Vietnams, further abuses. And since that time I've devoted my life to to exposing the CIA and created database resource called CIABase. "I feel that I am doing what I should be doing and in that sense I'm happy. I am not happy in the sense that no amount of criticism of the agency, no amount of revelation of it's dirty deeds, no amount of exposure of the weaknesses of the agency has weakened the CIA. But I do feel at some point, all of this will impact on the awareness of the American people and at that time there will be an attack on the CIA." Ralph McGehee I lost my first class citizenship respect of a lot of friends gained a lot of enemies


They paid a milk delivery man taking a shcool's weeks work of milk to school children, to let them put cement into the milk.

CIA's goal was to increase frustration level to bring a revolution to bring Castro down.
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