Wolfman (1979)
A Lot of Warts but Also Interesting
14 October 2016
Wolfman (1979)

** (out of 4)

After the death of his father, Colin Glasgow (Earl Owensby) returns to the family estate where he begins to learn some dark secrets about his father. One is that his father was actually murdered. Another secret is a mysterious Satan worshiping events. And, finally, there's the fact that he's now turning into a werewolf and killing the locals.

WOLFMAN is a somewhat notorious film but then again everything Owensby did was somewhat legendary or notorious. He basically went from rags to riches and his love of movies had him begin to make them. This film was obviously inspired by the Universal series with Lon Chaney and while it's not a good movie it's certainly a rather interesting one to watch.

I say that because the film is a bit too long for its own good and some of the performances aren't that good. I'd also argue that the direction could have been much better. I could also add that the film has too slow of a pace to make it very entertaining. You could go even further by saying that there's a very non-professional feel about the entire picture. All of this stuff would be true but there's still some charm about the picture.

It has a very regional feel to it and I must say that the old time setting actually works and looks much more believable than you'd see out of your typical Andy Milligan picture. Like Milligan this film like the costume period setting and it looks real at least. I'd also argue that Owensby wasn't a great actor but he does have a certain charm here that leaps off the screen and makes you like his character and performance.

Finally, WOLFMAN does at least succeed whenever the actual werewolf is on the screen. The make-up effects are quite good with a strong resemblance to the Paul Naschy films of the era. The death scenes are more old-fashioned as there's nothing too graphic or gory. Again, there are a lot of warts here but at the same time this is a somewhat interesting take on the familiar story.
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