Mork & Mindy: Gotta Run: Part 3 (1982)
Season 4, Episode 21
The final ignominious episode to be filmed
9 October 2016
"Gotta Run" concludes in fittingly dumbstruck fashion, opening with a Tom Snyder-type interview conducted by Tom (Mark Fenske), Mork and Mindy hoping to explain their circumstances to a nationwide viewing audience. Screaming girls and unceasing press greet Mork everywhere he goes, Billy Vincent (Stephen Stucker) wanting to talk television as Maury (Dan Barrows) promotes merchandising. Alone together in what remains of their home, Kalnik targets Mork and Mindy with a new ray gun, only for Mork to foil him by utilizing the same time shoes introduced in "Long Before They Met." The couple now find themselves in prehistoric times where cavemen chase after potential wives like Belk (Chea Collette), who worships Mork as a god for saving her from her pursuers. Here Kalnik finds them one last time, his errant ray gun bringing an avalanche down on his head as Mork and Mindy escape him yet again, stuck in limbo as the now cancelled series left its few remaining viewers apoplectic. Had there been a fifth season it would have been more of the usual radical changes, this odd couple stuck in time week after week, supposedly meeting different figures in earth history, Jonathan Winters apparently left behind. The final broadcast was chosen to close out the series with something more traditional, the only one directed by Robin Williams.
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