Review of The Crush

The Crush (1993)
A Chick-Flick To Laugh At (Not A Thriller)
6 October 2016
This wacky movie is so bad, it is actually somewhat entertaining. It is apparent from the very start that this is going to be an extremely stupid, lame chick-flick, but you're kind of obligated to watch to see just HOW dumb it's going to get. And it doesn't disappoint.

Obviously, someone just pulled the script right out of their backside as it is hard to imagine a more unrealistic and unlikely sequence of events.

Alicia Silverstone, however, is very good. She shines in her debut performance, despite the fact that she is playing a terribly-written character.

The male lead was far less impressive. In fact, one of the worst performances I've seen lately. It really doesn't help matters that he's playing an annoyingly dumb 28-year old, who, in fact, doesn't look or act any older than Adrian. I did not feel any sympathy for Nick to be honest. He was neither charismatic, nor in any other way likable. A protagonist that leaves you indifferent (I'd say annoyed, actually)... not a good sign.

As for the movie itself. Well, it was a trainwreck. An amateurish one at that. The recipe used for this movie was: "Lolita" plus "Fatal Attraction" minus all the thrills and suspense plus a healthy dose of "lame" multiplied my 10 equals "The Crush".

Watch it as a comedy, not as a thriller. Then you'll probably enjoy it. Trust me, there are laughs to be had at the expense of the screenplay writer(s). Just when you think that it simply cannot get any dumber... it will surprise you!
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