It convinces almost wholly
4 October 2016
A new Western story, absorbingly interesting and very dramatic. It held the attention of the audience and seemed to satisfy generally. It convinces almost wholly and we feel sure that it will be popular, even where audiences have grown tired of the usual miner and gambler stories. The prospector, who has his wife and child with him, has come to the end of his resources. The child playing near the stream finds a rich claim. The man leaves wife and child on guard and goes back for help. He reaches the settlements exhausted with hunger, but can get no credit. The gambler puts food before him and makes him gamble for a grub stake with the "claim." He loses. The gambler loads up with provinder and rides up to where the wife and child are. The wife, when she hears of the transaction, is incensed, and taunts the gambler into giving her the same chance of winning back the claim that he had had. This he does and he loses. Both times it was by the ace of spades. The photographs in one or two scenes are very good; but this is not wholly true of the other scenes. - The Moving Picture World, March 16, 1912
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