Solid cover, nothing more
3 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Da Blechhauf'n: Ghostriders in the Sky" is an award-nominated 3-minute music video from 2012 directed by filmmaker Philipp Eichholtz. It is basically a cover of the song in the title, a number by Johnny Cash and that's all you need to know. There is no singing in here, but it is all instrumental. I really like the song (and even more the artist), so all Cash fans can check this one out, but everybody else can really skip it and they are not missing much. The music video is entirely forgettable I must say and I am somewhat glad it was over that quickly. Always a bit surprising to find stuff like that on IMDb, maybe because of the nomination it received or because of the director who has worked on some semi-famous films here in Germany. So yeah, overall, it's nothing memorable at all we have here and I give it a thumbs-down. 4 stars out of 10 is still on the generous side given the fact that the song is not even an original from the artists in here. Final side-note: It's all brass instruments in here, thus also the name of the band.
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