Review of Trespass

Foyle's War: Trespass (2015)
Season 8, Episode 2
Anti-Semitism at Its Worst
27 September 2016
It's easy to think about the Holocaust as an aberration, the Nazis wiping out six million people. Surely when the war was over, things went back to normal. Because a huge number of people blamed the Jews for virtually every eventuality, the bad economy, lack of jobs, lack of opportunity, things hardly ended. Foyle, once again finds himself embroiled in a case where people display their hatred and do some of the things those Germans did. It shows how easy it is to sway a population that is hurting. It was Hitler's greatest "strength." In this one, a conference is going to be held, and there are terrorist groups around (or are there). A young woman is at the center of much of this as well as a bigoted drum beater with no moral sense whatsoever. It makes that old case for free speech versus hatred spilling into the streets. Sam gets involved again, much to her husband's utter shock. Very good episode as the series winds to a halt.
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