Review of Capsule

Capsule (2015)
Good acting, mediocre story, fiction presented as fact.
23 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Set in 1959 the British put the first man in space with a capsule called "Hermies", however the Russians trick the pilot into colliding with a US mercury capsule and landing Russia which kills the pilot, the mission is covered up.

99% of the film is just looking at the pilot sitting in the capsule, he does things like replace faulty electronics & closing valves to malfunctioning systems, its pretty boring.

Can't really recommend this movie, the only good thing is the acting.

Some facts: Britain had 2 space worthy rockets: the Blue Streak & the Black Arrow, these weren't developed until the late 60s early 70s, nor would they be able to lift a capsule as large as the one depicted in this movie.

If your looking for a fictional "first man in space" movie try "Wings of Honneamise".
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