Wavering Tone & Some Silliness but an Effective & Entertaining Spy Thriller
23 September 2016
Lively, Well Produced British War Time Spy-Thriller. With a Bigger Budget than usual, this Movie Stars Popular and Charming Actor Robert Donat on a Mission to Destroy a Nazi Chemical Weapons Plant...Single Handedly.

Donat, Turns it Up, maybe a notch too much sometimes, as an Effeminate Flake of an Engineer with Wild Gestures and Over Emoting. But the Nazis are Dumb Brutes and can also be Swooned Easily by a Skirt.

Helen Hobson is the Love Interest, and also an Integral Part of the Suspenseful Story, and Her Hat, here, is Legendary. The Film Wavers from Extremely Emotional (Acts 1 and 2) to Silly at times, to Super Spy Stuff that in Act 3 Really Kicks.

When the Tone is not being Shattered by Over the Top Characterizations it is an Entertaining and Effective Propaganda Picture with Outstanding Scenes. Like when Donat meets the Underground and the Sprawling and Ominous Chemical Plant Finale.
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