Avatar: The Last Airbender: The Great Divide (2005)
Season 1, Episode 11
15 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While the episode's good parts are very well done. It can't detract from the flimsy story and overly hateful approach.

The highest point of the episode is the explanation as to why the two tribes-The Zhang and Gan Jin-hate each other. The differing styles of animation from each tribes flash back was a really nice touch and I love watching the scenes to this day.

The canon guide was a refreshing character too. Leaving just enough material to be memorable and add to the story.

The way they got of the canon was pretty cool as well. Along with any battle scenes(but this is Avatar, there are no bad fights).

However, we come to the bad, and to me, the worst of 'em all-besides Aang's ending lines, don't worry we'll get to them-has to be the plot. Really? Slobbiness vs. Cleanliness, is that all you have? The backstory behind the tribes is just enough to hold a solid grudge. Don't tack on something flimsy like that. I get you're trying to exaggerate and make it harder to respect their differences, but why make it something so trivial?

Also the tribes themselves felt VERY shoehorned in. What purpose did they serve the entire episode? What set them apart from the gang? Nothing, their just there to spout useless information that adds nothing to the story.

Everyone seems out of character as well when the show progresses, not just Aang. Sokka's too gullible, Katara's too wrathful, and Aang's a pushover(and overly preachy). It only took the later half of the episode for him to sack up and take command like he normally does. Not to mention his obnoxious motto: "Harsh words will never solve our problem, action will!" Okay...Then act you spineless dolt. Don't tell them what to do, make them do it. Get angry like you got before. Don't just see where it goes.

The food dilemma felt pointless too. Just adding useless drama to the bunch. Predators like the canyon crawlers wouldn't just wait, they'd be stalking them with or without food. Waiting for a chance to strike.

Oh, and I definitely, without a doubt, despise Aang's lie. It's such a cruel, uncaring, and needless thing to do. You're the Avatar. The voice of reason. Say they're being babies and have them make-up. Once again drawing back to the push-over problem. By the way Aang, y'know lying is just a friendly way to say harsh words, right? Katara being equally cruel doesn't help either, "that is so wrong." Way to be motherly...Sokka's the only one with common sense. He didn't agree to it, he just stood mouth agape in shock. As many of us did.

And now. The "eh" bunch. The "story" between the Jin Wei and Wei Jin was...Nice. For the most part. It was a lie so it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Different animation styles is a big part of this episode, which is sad because it could've been interesting to see more.

The tribes. I like 'em, I hate 'em, I tolerate them. Avatar has no shortage of fantastic character designs and these tribes are no exception. The Zhang leader is a badass, and the Gan Jin guy is hilariously proper, but the tribes, as a whole...Really don't do anything. They either growl or add background noise. These are tribes, people. Add some interaction.

Conclusion: It is often said this is the worst episode, and yeah, I see it. However, it's still got watchable in it. So I would never tell someone to skip it. Cringe at the bad stuff all you want, but be in awe at the great stuff above. It doesn't hold a candle to the other episodes, but every series has a dud. No exception.

I guess the fact that "The Storm"(one of Avatar's best episode's) comes after this one, doesn't help it either.
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