The Dark Side of Lesbianism
11 September 2016
The Dark Side of Tomorrow (1970)

* (out of 4)

Denise (Elizabeth Plumb) and Adria (Alisa Courtney) are best friends who are both married to men that they aren't completely satisfied with. While having lunch one day they notice a lesbian couple and realize how happy they appear to be. This gives them the idea of becoming more than friends but the results aren't what they expected.

THE DARK SIDE OF TOMORROW was re-released under the title of JUST THE TWO OF US but neither title did much for the film's popularity. Today the film is mainly remembered for being the directorial debut of Barbara Peeters who would gain fame for the 1980 cult classic HUMANOIDS FROM THE DEEP before eventually disappearing from the public eye.

This film here has its heart in the right place but I'm just not sure who this would have been targeted to. I say that because it was obviously an art film that simply wasn't good enough to compete with something by the various Europeon directors out there. Another problem was selling this as an exploitation movie was even worse because there's not enough nudity or sexuality to please that crowd.

The biggest problem is that there's just so much boring dialogue that it's easy to nod off during the film and quickly lose interest in its story and characters. It looks okay and features some decent performance but on the whole THE DARK SIDE OF TOMORROW was a complete bore.
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