Shazam!: The Gang's All Here (1974)
Season 1, Episode 15
Marvel Vs "West Side Story" Gang Part 2
30 August 2016
A kid who did time in jail runs into problems with a boy gang headed by a kid named Vinnie (Jack McCulloch).

Things start to heat up in part two, making this one of the most dramatic episodes of the series. Yes, the final minutes seem a bit corny by today's standards, but just go along with the show and don't compare it to the comic many do.

As I mentioned in my review of part one, McCulloch was recently interviewed in a Podcast about his work on Shazam! The young actor got these sort of "heavy" roles all the time, if not a "heavy" he was a guy in the "service".

His last role was in one of the last episodes of M*A*S*H in 1982. He says he might return to acting.
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