Don't Breathe (2016)
Suspenseful and Clever, Despite a Few Plot Holes
30 August 2016
In a year with a string of impressive horror films, Don't Breathe is yet another good entry. Directed by Fede Alvarez (Evil Dead, 2013), this film shows that he has a talent for horror, and may be a rising presence in the genre. Don't Breathe is hold-your-breath scary, and features a clever premise, despite a few small plot holes. It is worth mentioning that the title and posters seemed a little ambiguous as to the plot, but watching the film the title seems appropriate.

The first thing to mention about this film is that it is full of twists and turns, but does take a relatively practical approach to it's plot. The film's story is very smartly constructed, as it is full of tension from the opening moments, right up to the end. The film's biggest strength is its simplicity, as it makes the most of a very straightforward premise. That being said, the film is constructed in a way that obstacles are consistently thrown at the main characters in creative ways.

Simply put the fact that the writers and directors were able to tell a story with such a clever yet simple premise makes it easy to follow. The impressive thing about this film is within a short period of time, the characters are well established and the premise, which is quite clever, is introduced. With all of the clichéd horror films today, putting empty characters in clichéd situations, it's refreshing to see relatable characters put into a straightforward premise. However, as happens in all horror films, the characters find everything is not as they expected it, and quickly discover they're in over their heads.

The only problem with the film, is that it does cater to a few too many horror clichés and has a few glaring plot holes. While the obstacles in this film are creatively thrown at the main characters, a few of them don't make sense, with a little thought. The story at times, neglects to explain how something happened, and relies on a few Deus ex Machinas. The irony is that many of the plot holes, end up helping the villain character, as he seems almost inhuman by the end of the film. In the end, Don't Breathe does a brilliant job keeping the audience on the edge of their seats, with a combination of ingenuity and simplicity. The film offers a refreshing entry in the horror genre, which has seen a nice revival this year, from the typically clichéd horror films we get. The film isn't great, as it has a few too many plot holes, and clichés, but is still very entertaining. Horror buffs looking for a good film to get them into the Fall/Halloween season will likely enjoy this film.
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