very interesting insight into the era of the Kray twins
27 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This documentary was produced and released shortly after the 1990 Krays movie. About an hour in length, as a documentary and the only one of its kind on the subject, it has lots of very interesting subject matter and rare photographic footage (not only just the Kray twins as youths but also their role models Jack Spot and Billy Hill - two gangsters that ran London in the 1940s and 50s).

The story of the Krays is told using first hand accounts of people closely associated with them. Charlie Kray and John McVicar being the two most notable of these, however a former gang member called Bill Ackerman provides a lot of insight as does Joe Lee - a cousin of the twins. Interestingly even the copper who busted them - 'Nipper' Reid is interviewed and gives a lot of detail on how he did it. Additionally, Peter Medak, the director of the 1990 movie provides some recollections of the time when the Krays were at their most feared in the early 1960s (as he worked on the movie 'Sparrows Can't Sing', the filming of which was subject to a protection racket by the Firm) and a criminologist called Laurie Taylor provides the backdrop introduction, painting a picture of what East London was like in the first few decades of the 20th Century.

The documentary was originally a direct to video in 1991 and has since been made available on DVD, plus it is view able at places like YouTube. With renewed interest once again in the tale of the Kray twins, this documentary is highly recommended to those who have an interest in the subject.
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