Modern Family: Farm Strong (2013)
Season 5, Episode 4
An otherwise good episode spoiled by the introduction of Cam's sister
26 August 2016
Of the story lines in this episode, the one with Claire and Phil skipping Luke's soccer game and the one with Jay and Gloria arguing over her needing glasses were good. Certainly relatable topics for families with active kids and couples in general, and good for some funny scenes as the show goes along.

However, this episode introduces Cam's sister Pameron. And I have to say I've never much enjoyed either the character or the portrayal. First there's the over-the-top lampooning of rural stereotypes. It's not that I'm of that culture or remotely offended. It's that the whole shtick has just been played out pretty thoroughly by Cam's more than occasional lapses into and references of his life back home. The presentation of Pameron takes a played out aspect of Cam and turns it up to 11, and for me it just falls flat. Additionally, she brings a certain degree of slapstick physical comedy that, for me, just doesn't fit the feel of the show for me. It's unfortunate, because I think they've done much better with other members of his family - his parents and even his "sweetly" racist grandmother.

Ultimately, I find myself wincing in most of her scenes, and it ultimately brings down what was a good, though not great, episode of Modern Family.
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