Fragmented (2014)
While not as good as other thrillers has some great ideas that could have used more fine tuning
21 August 2016
In my opinion i felt the movie had some great ideas and i imagine the budget probably cut into the fine tuning that would have made those ideas really come alive for me as a fan of mystery and thriller genres i felt i was worth the watch. not to give anything away about the plot but i found the character arch for each character was strong some actors in the production may have lowered the quality of the overall film but that is given with a budget like this one. no one is particularly bad, stand outs being the lead investigator who felt had a nice charisma and the male lead Sebastian's partner Angel who sold the believability of the culture they were playing and the female lead was engaging the dialogue felt smooth as opposed to other productions where their dialogue comes off rough the writing is solid i believe this film would have been better served maybe streamlining some it's ideas into a tighter film. That being said i would honestly give this film a

6.5 Worth your time if you are into Thriller or Mysteries.
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