Review of God's Club

God's Club (2015)
Christian Propaganda Movie
22 August 2016
Let me start with a brief summary: Christians start something harmless and Atheists go up in arms. This is the basic foundations for the movie and it has been repeated time and time again. As an atheist, I am extremely offended by this movie and the way they represent atheists. Literally, EVERY atheist character in this movie is intolerant, hateful, and (of course) evil. This is in no way a representation of the real world, even though this movie makes it seem like its happened before. Anyways enough ranting, what about the ACTUAL movie? Well, it also fails in that regard. The characters are flat and only one character really experiences change, and she was a minor character. The atheists respond to the Christian characters with complete and utter nonsense. The story isn't really compelling, it's mostly just a misrepresentation of a possible real life scenario.

This movie is one of those Christian propaganda pieces that fails to be a remotely good movie. The story is uninteresting and not compelling whatsoever, the characters are cardboard thin and predictable, and this is only topped by the unbelievable amount of bias towards Christians.
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