Voodoo Swamp (1962)
Even Al Adamson and Jerry Warren Would Walk Out on This
21 August 2016
Voodoo Swamp (1962)

BOMB (out of 4)

To my knowledge, this film here never got any sort of theatrical release or a home video release until 2003 when it was released as a secret bonus feature to BLOOD OF THE ZOMBIE (aka THE DEAD ONE). This film takes place in New Orleans as a woman arrives there looking for her sister who has gone missing. She hires a detective to help her track her down and they end up in the swamps where they come across voodoo and a zombie (Bill Pearl).

VOODOO SWAMP is a film that came out of nowhere and no one knew its history, although a few things have been learned over the years. This includes Arthur Jones being the director and five times Mr. Universe Bill Pearl played the zombie. I'm going to guess the budget of this film was just a few thousand dollars because it's one of the cheapest and poorest made movies that you're ever going to see.

It's clear that the film probably wasn't even fully completed as there aren't any opening or closing titles. The sound effects are also so poorly done that you've got to think they're some of the worst to ever be given screen time. Even sadder is the fact that so many of the effects aren't even complete. Just check out the scene where our two heroes are splashing around in the water. Not a sound can be heard. Even worse is how bad the dubbing is.

What's even worse is the fact that the film moves extremely slow and the 70 minute running time feels three times as long. Things get even worse in the editing department as I'm not sure what happened but every time we cut to a new scene there's still footage from the previous one there to be viewed. There's a lot of stock footage dealing with snakes and alligators thrown in for good measure.

VOODOO SWAMP is a really awful movie that certainly ranks as one of the worst that you're ever going to see.
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