Review of Expose

Crossing Lines: Expose (2015)
Season 3, Episode 11
This episode is an embarrassment in script writing
21 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This review contain ending spoilers. I have to recap the ending because the review does not make sense otherwise. Do not read further if you do not wish to hear parts of the ending.

Before i write, don't get me wrong. I like most of this series and i hope for continued seasons. Most of the time, it's good, a bit (can be more) unpredictable like main characters dying and interesting cases. This episode, s3e11 Expose, started out like most other episodes. Something happens and someone die, the ICC gets called in and finally everything is resolved.

What happened? At the end of this episode when Ellie is facing the assassin inside Lea's quarters. She hear the assassin kill the nurse in the hallway and goes "stealthily" to investigate when she finds the assassin above the corpse of the nurse. She tells the assassin to put his hands up, when he does, she approaches him and when she grips his arm, the assassin twists, hits Ellie in the head and walks in to shoot Lea. Ellie then shoots the assassin through the glass doors.

This ending scene is illogical and very very disappointing. 1. Ellie is, after getting the "assassin" (very skilled killer as we have seen earlier), trying to grab hold of the arm of the assassin when he is holding a gun in his hand? - Would the British police academy not teach their students not to do this? Its an embarrassment.

2. After the assassin twists and hits Ellie, he is continuing into the room where Lea is without killing Ellie first? We already know that he killed the nurse for just being a witness, would he not do the same thing with Ellie?

2b. After he continues walking towards Lea, should he at least not have picked up Ellies gun? Thrown it away? Emptied it of bullets?

Conclusion is that the assassin should have gotten away with killing Lea. Ellie should have been killed after he had hit her in the head because she is a witness (same as the nurse) and due to either sloppy script writing or very bad teachings at the police academy.
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