It went that-away
20 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Even though this is Part 2 of a trilogy, it is barely connected to Part 1. Except for Starsky and Hutch having quit their job, there is very little carryover in this episode from the first part. This feels like a whole new story, and it mostly is. The new story is still interesting, but it leaves you wondering what happened with Part 1. All (mm, well, not all) will be explained in Part 3; hang in there.

The new story gives us an old childhood friend of Starsky's turning up, even though she was supposed to have died as a child. She turns out to have been hidden away when her father became a protected witness, and now that her father is in trouble again, she seeks out Starsky for help. The rest of this episode is the guys trying to help her without the benefits of their badges.

Although I like this episode, there is a lot of wasted time in it. Everything unfolds pretty slowly and some of the scenes plod along. Most of the real information we get in this episode could probably have been contained in about twenty minutes. Even so, the stuff that is good is good. The conversations and conflict they have with the federal agents are good. The discussion they have in Starsky's kitchen as they try to sort out the evidence they have also feels good and right.

I like the car issues that they are having and the switching of various cars and needing to use the bus. This would be another good reason why this trilogy would have made a good finale, because it's poking a bit of fun at the idea that Starsky's car was one of the stars of the show or that they needed that car to do what they do best.

It is very difficult to watch them not have their badges or the power and authority they once had. I don't like scenes where they practically have to beg the older female cop for help with typical police services. I hate to see them treated like regular guys. It feels so wrong, just as it seems ridiculous for them to be looking for jobs. There is just no way that any job could suit these two guys other than what they have always been. They were literally created to be cops, so how can anything else work? Yeah, it never could.

I like how PMG and DS are playing out this trilogy and how Bellamy is controlling it. They are holding it together and staying smart most of the time. A little irritating competition over the lady, a little sniping at each other, but mostly they are in their rhythm and working together.

It probably doesn't quite deserve a 7 rating, but I gave it an extra point because it going in the right direction. Part 3 will have a lot more going on and provide most of the resolutions that we need.
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