Laugh out loud Aussie comedy with a subtle yet pertinent subtext of consumerism and animal rights.
15 August 2016
Thackham has directed two shorts now that I have had the pleasure of seeing. Lady Luck premiered at the NYFA graduates screening to a rapturous reception, and her sophomore effort Brainless Killers goes one step further in it's striking social commentary alongside her established visual flare and tight visual story telling. The cinematography and work of Jeremy Bradley as DOP goes hand in hand with the grim, darkly satirical vision of the director.

This low budget film has excelled in it's production design and visual effects; elements that are usually ambitious and tricky for emerging filmmakers to tackle; yet Brainless Killers sets the bench mark high for creating a fictional world rife with visual idiosyncrasies in it's set, costumes and makeup.

The performances are genuinely funny, with Thackham's background in filmic gags and experience around stand up comedians prevailing in her tight editing and consideration of timing and rhythmic beats. Particular kudos must go to Ian Mathers for his short yet striking role as a demure and pandering member of the undead.

The film's acknowledgment and commentary on the blase' nature of contemporary Australian society is probably what makes this genre piece work so well as a hybrid between thriller and comedy, and Thackham's playfulness and energy as a young director can not be understated.

4/5 stars.
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