Watch this with your child? NO!
16 August 2016
Within the 20 minutes of viewing this movie both I and my companion agreed that this is most definitely not a kiddy movie, unlike the first one. We'd never let a child under 13 view it (cussing, sexuality, et al). Strangely, things started more adult and ended up on a total G audience note. Usually it's the opposite. This is no big Hollywood production, it's B class, but it undeniably fun to watch. Dolph isn't Schwarzenegger, but he delivers the same sort of cluelessness. Much of the same old plot was pulled from the original Kindergarten Cop, but there were more spins, a different lead, and very different kids, VERY!

These are kind of kids whose parents pay $50k-year so that they can have "advantaged" children. The type of offspring who'll have a weakly convincing panic attack if someone even mentions 'Gluten' or uses regular plastic. I found this gross and unreal.

If children like this actually exist... I quit life.

If you haven't seen the first one, absolutely skip this. You're better off trying to suffocate yourself using a hairdryer. If you've seen the first however, and enjoyed it, then you'll probably be amused but not enthused at this extremely late follow-up.
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