Review of Sects

Law & Order: Sects (2005)
Season 15, Episode 19
Episode retelling of Ricky Rodriguez murder-suicide from the COG cult
11 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I think the disclaimer they put at the end of this episode saying that the characters and events are fictional should be taken off as this episode is eerily similar to the murder-suicide of Ricky Rodriguez. You can google his name for details.

The cult 'mother' (called Shelby in the episode) is a representation of Karen Zerby (who was referred to as "Mama" in the COG) and although she was never actually on the stand, members of the cult were and what they said was almost word for word what Mrs. Shelby says in her final testimony.

What Richard "Daniel" (Ricky, whose nickname was "David" in the cult)talks about; adults forcing children to have sex with them and each other while drugged, actually happened in the cult although it was normally alcohol used rather than Quaaludes.

Do the research and watch the episode to see if you don't come to the same conclusion I did.


(Seeing as Karen Zerby's actual whereabouts are unknown and most likely will never be brought to trial, I have to admit a feeling of satisfaction seeing the verdict being read. If only life depicted art in this instance.)
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