Sonic the Hedgehog (2006 Video Game)
Poor Tails has been kidnapped by sluts. I hope some boys will rescue him.
11 August 2016
The first Sonic game dates back to the early 1990s or perhaps the late 1980s. The game was such a hit that it spawned numerous sequels and other installments. While a lot of Sonic's games were well received, he also had some bad times. And this game which happens to share the same title as the first game was one of Sonic's bad times. The developers were in a rush to release the game on a certain holiday that they didn't have time to thoroughly inspect the game for flaws.

But the fact that the game has programming issues is only one of the things that I find unfavorable. This game also marked the beginning were sluts took over providing the words of Tails. The sluts continue to do so to this day. When will Tails go back to the boys where he belongs? Boys are best for him because Tails is a boy. I hope the developers understand that.
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