Star Trek: Errand of Mercy (1967)
Season 1, Episode 26
It would have been glorious
9 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This gets my vote for the best of the original series. It is well- conceived, tightly written, and a great mixture of thought-provoking insight and humorous irony. The idea of an entire species and culture being without physical form isn't a new idea (Asimov for one explored this in his Foundation series almost 20 years earlier), but for network TV a half century ago it's a brilliant episode.

I agree with others about John Colicos as Kor. While malevolent enough for a Klingon leader, he plays the role with complexities that are often missing in ST bad guys. He and Kirk are indeed alike in their contempt for the Organians, to the point where Kor proposes an alliance with Kirk.

It's remarkable also that in this, the first ever appearance of Klingons, Ayelborne foresees the day when the Federation and Klingon Empire will be friends. This eventuality was not fully realized until ST:TNG ... over 20 years later.
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